Two headed turtle
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A man holds a small two headed turtle in his hand

Added on 22-06-2007 by bigred
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Comments (26):

Freak of nature
Rodsama// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5920 days ago)
Freak of nature
Rodsama// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5920 days ago)
Wow! Where did you find that?
domspy// Videos(1) | Favorites(14) | (5763 days ago)
Animalluver1234// Videos(0) | Favorites(6) | (5732 days ago)
that is so freaky!!!
goldenkay// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5693 days ago)
thats so weirdd! but cool too!!
ChihuahualuvR// Videos(2) | Favorites(0) | (5673 days ago)
awww...its cute!! freakishly cute!!
sassy2009// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5624 days ago)
lol that was funny
bl33dy// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5610 days ago)
omg that is sooo cool he can see 4 of everything heheheh i love it
rango// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5534 days ago)
whoa thats thats thats freaky
Simba1997// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5525 days ago)
thats weird but awesome
kyttylol// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5520 days ago)
cool! :)
smuffaqo// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5520 days ago)
oh my goodness where did u find that did it have family that are the same or was it one of a kind?
Hahaha// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5519 days ago)
wow thats so cool!!!!
crook741// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5474 days ago)
wwwDogfuge// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5449 days ago)
aww. cool.
Brendita_13// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5433 days ago)
What the f----------!
Rain10// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5431 days ago)
Is that real, or did you squeeze 2 turtles into one shell? Dyandria
dyandriaanddyandria// Videos(0) | Favorites(43) | (5426 days ago)
Why do you get so many views?? Every vid i look at says by big red by bigred by bigred :P I HATE WHEN IT DOES THAT
PlixnClix248// Videos(1) | Favorites(0) | (5402 days ago)
y0ung_l1nk// Videos(1) | Favorites(0) | (5360 days ago)
fake he put two turtles into the shell
reds14321// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5357 days ago)
aww poor lil thing
SaraiGarcia// Videos(7) | Favorites(0) | (5333 days ago)
aww poor lil thing
SaraiGarcia// Videos(7) | Favorites(0) | (5333 days ago)
playmatekimmy// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5230 days ago)
i kinda believe an kinda dont believe its one turtle
presman// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5225 days ago)
This is absolutely true, some turtles are really like that.....
Yasmine@P-T// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5208 days ago)
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