Music video of the touching and adorable and funny antics of five beautiful indoor felines. Depicts interesting animal interactions and behavior. Music by Mike Bell. Video editing and presentation by Linda Lee. A SillyOleCat Production
My dog Tinker tries to itch her back Me and my mom call it The Tinker Dance This dance is hard to catch on camera this makes this video rare AND AWESOME
Snickers licks sleeping Oreo. At first it does not look like he wants me to tape him. He stops when I come closer and continues when I back up. Then at the end he falls asleep too.
Some colleges are allowing students to bring their family pets to school with them. Pets in school just like at home can help reduce stress and help you to not get depressed. Even during exam time your pet can help you remain healthy and happy.
My cats Moose and Lilly have heart shaped patches on their backs. I think it is really cool so I posted it. I hope you like it! Please rate! So uh thanks again! MUNCHY