Added on January 13, 2009
Runtime: 0.05
Views:13828 | Comments: 1
My Diablo
Added on January 13, 2009
Runtime: 0.05
Views:5117 | Comments: 1
Hometown: Las Vegas
AIM: bonjourwerewolf
Favorite Animals: wolf, dog, GSD, siberian husky, foxe, coyote, rabbit, serval, jackel, cheetah
Animal I Most Look Like: Ferret
Favorite Famous Animal: Rin tin tin
Animal I'd Most Like to Be for a Day: Husky
Type of Pet: GSD / Siberian Husky
Distinguishing Features: Brown eye, mixed brown and blue eye
Favorite Toy: Teddy bear
Best Trick: listening
Favorite Food: NOT his dog food
Favorite Activity: running circles around me
Worst Habit: being afraid of everything
The ice dog
Added on August 01, 2007
Runtime: 27.53
Views:13785 | Comments: 5