Response to Put a stop to animal cruelty

"How you ask well its simple just go to and vote for sophie renae for cutest dog winner gets one million and I am donating money to the SPCA to help fight animal cruelty If you have a dog I know u would never want something bad to ever happen to your little pal so please vote it only would take you about a minute or two evry vote could be saving a dogs life because you would be guarenteeing sophie winning that million. I thank you all for listening and take care"

..yah you are right..we should stop animal cruelty!!!  -  by bat13_atE in 2009-11-29 04:45:53

Animal cruelty as does the surgical removal of balls in dogs at the SPCA without lasers. That alone kills dogs. an infection down below is hard to treat.
 -  by JochenB30 in 2009-10-23 01:33:02

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