Rescued Pets
One-Eyed Dogs
Crazy Cats
Pets That Love to Swim
I love my bulldog
animal lovers
Animal lovers
Cat Lovers
Hometown: davao city, philippines
Email: suzanuh_bat13@yahoo.com
AIM: ..to makE dah world a happy place for animals
Favorite Animals: dog, cat, chicken, pig, any animals which are looking up to God
Animal I Most Look Like: chow-chow
Favorite Famous Animal: babe (pig)
Animal I'd Most Like to Be for a Day: Dachshund dog
Type of Pet: dog
Distinguishing Features: charming eyelashes, big alert ears, short tongue,short arms
Favorite Toy: anything that is fun,,sumtyms my arms hehhehehe
Best Trick: super wagging tail faster than da helicopter hahhahah
Favorite Food: vegetables, pork, chicken, CHOCOLATES,,anything sweet...
Favorite Activity: sleeping, laughing, panting, running, biting me..
Worst Habit: eating dirtees...eWww...
Type of Pet: cat
Distinguishing Features: big eyes, big face, and some scratches due to fightSSss...
Favorite Toy: anything that is annoying...
Best Trick: jumping high heights, climbing anywhere
Favorite Food: fish, plain bread
Favorite Activity: sleeping, slapping batrizi
Worst Habit: stealing our food hehehehehhe