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Dog chews gum from a mans mouth.

Added on 17-12-2007 by rex44
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Comments (3):

Just so you know, when you allow any animal to eat bubble gum, the gum impacts in their lower intestine and can cause the animal to bleed from an ulcer caused from the acid in the gum. If the ulcer forms before the impacted gum, then this could result in toxic shock, due to the blood from the ulcer not being able to pass. So although this looks extremely cute on video or in real life, it is extremely dangerous and will over time cause death... I know from personal experience when I was a teenager. Feeding an animal gum on a rare occasion will not cause this to happen, but a long-term exposure to this will. So please parents, unless you wish to expose your children to such trauma at such an early age, I strongly urge that you or your children do not under any circumstance try this an home... Blackdawn1000
blackdawn1000// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5632 days ago)
Sorry for all the extra comments. At the time I didnt realize that after each spell check, that my comment would post over and over. I dont mean to frighten anyone, but instead to warn... Blackdawn1000
blackdawn1000// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5632 days ago)
I cant believe someone would do that to such a beautiful dog. Just goes to show you what people know and dont know.
blackdawn1000// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5632 days ago)
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