Boston Terrier Howling
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Boston Terrier

Added on 12-05-2009 by ilovebostonterriers
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Comments (6):

lol.. He does that cause the sound hurts his ears! But he is too cute
SunshineRichards// Videos(1) | Favorites(1) | (5658 days ago)
my dog does the same think bc it hurts her ears u shouldnt do it it can make them lose there hearing i herd
bostonterrier97// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5617 days ago)
Dont you know that that hurts your dogs ears, that is why she is crying??????? Why do people abuse their dogs?
threelinks// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5326 days ago)
Dont you know that that hurts your dogs ears, that is why she is crying??????? Why do people abuse their dogs?
threelinks// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5326 days ago)
Dont you know that that hurts your dogs ears, that is why she is crying??????? Why do people abuse their dogs?
threelinks// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5326 days ago)
Dont you know that that hurts your dogs ears, that is why she is crying??????? Why do people abuse their dogs?
threelinks// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5326 days ago)
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