Cat just cant get no respect
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A cat dressed in a sweater just keeps falling over.

Added on 23-07-2007 by bigred
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Comments (11):

My cat did that when I tried to leash train her. Put something on their body and they forget they have legs!
Smittycat1234// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5804 days ago)
My cat did that when I put a Halloween costume on her and then she layed on the floor for 4 hours until we finally took it off ha ha
Animalsrock9// Videos(0) | Favorites(5) | (5760 days ago)
Not funny seeing an animal humiliated. Funny to you?
dyandriaanddyandria// Videos(0) | Favorites(43) | (5703 days ago)
my dog did the same thing when we put little snow shoes and a sweater on him .. its too funny
biancababy89// Videos(0) | Favorites(3) | (5674 days ago)
MerryMolly// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5524 days ago)
Not funny. Your pretty much just tormenting the cat to make you laugh.
runn3r// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5522 days ago)
clumsy cat cute!!
wwwDogfuge// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5449 days ago)
No so funny humiliating the poor pet that looks to you for love and comfort. Worst, finding his suffering funny. Dyandria
dyandriaanddyandria// Videos(0) | Favorites(43) | (5426 days ago)
ElGatoLoco// Videos(4) | Favorites(0) | (5279 days ago)
whats wrong with you puting a sweater on a cat and making it uncomftorble? i could tell it was upset beacusecats wag their tails when upset.
dranthony39// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5203 days ago)
whats wrong with you puting a sweater on a cat and making it uncomftorble? i could tell it was upset beacuse cats wag their tails when upset.
dranthony39// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5203 days ago)
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