Hungry Kitty
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How does she know her kitty wants some milk?

Added on 17-08-2007 by bigred
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Comments (29):

So cute :)
chibudgielvr// Videos(6) | Favorites(1) | (5822 days ago)
Time to signal for the "help" to give you service. Notice they jump when you call too. Good job training them!
Smittycat1234// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5804 days ago)
that is too funny
knyc112// Videos(0) | Favorites(5) | (5787 days ago)
Hehehe =)
CherylRenee// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5761 days ago)
Love smart pets!
dyandriaanddyandria// Videos(0) | Favorites(43) | (5703 days ago)
time to get a I love milk buzzar
stoligirl123// Videos(0) | Favorites(3) | (5677 days ago)
nice job!!!!!!!!! that cat should be on tv!!!!!!!
sassy2009// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5624 days ago)
rango// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5534 days ago)
Iheartdiesel// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5520 days ago)
Reminds me of my fatty cat always begging and meowing for us to feed him
Iheartdiesel// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5520 days ago)
that cat looks soo depressed >>
AngellZ18// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5519 days ago)
What a fab cat!! LOL!! This made me laugh so hard. She has you trained REALLY well. LOL Im not stopping this plate action til you get me my milkkkkk
roshi// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5509 days ago)
smart cat
Karasucrow9999// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5479 days ago)
how beautiful
swilchinski// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5357 days ago)
Smart cat! Slow learner owner! LOL
bj46shum// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5314 days ago)
jakodi// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5298 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
PJ&Bri// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5291 days ago)
This video is adorable! I work for Animal Planet and would like to include it on one of our programs. Please email for more information.
CutestCatsndogs1// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5275 days ago)
This video is adorable! I work for Animal Planet and would like to include it on one of our programs. Please email for more information.
CutestCatsndogs1// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5275 days ago)
what a smartie
v_widdup// Videos(7) | Favorites(0) | (5238 days ago)
They are always hungry.
nickolas2// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5227 days ago)
They are always hungry.
nickolas2// Videos(0) | Favorites(0) | (5227 days ago)
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