Hometown: morristown IN
Favorite Animals: All animals but mostly, Cats,Dogs,Horses,snakes,ferrets,monkeys,penguens
Animal I Most Look Like: monkeys
Favorite Famous Animal: my dog lady (she famous to me aleast lol)
Animal I'd Most Like to Be for a Day: horse
Type of Pet: Feline
Distinguishing Features: beautiful sleek gray and orange fur
Favorite Toy: My scarfs and my hair
Best Trick: Shes extremly affectionate
Favorite Food: High preformance dog food (she refuses to eat anything else)
Favorite Activity: Loving on the family
Worst Habit: Clawing at pplz ancles when she wnts food or water
Type of Pet: Dog
Distinguishing Features: Sleek black fur
Favorite Toy: Her tennis ball
Best Trick: cuddling
Favorite Food: Deviled eggs (not too pretty:-P)
Favorite Activity: Phesant huntting
Worst Habit: Snoring
Type of Pet: Cholate lab
Distinguishing Features: Rough brown fur
Favorite Toy: frisbe
Best Trick: Phesant hunting
Favorite Food: Ham
Favorite Activity: Phesant hunting
Worst Habit: Pushing his head in the middle of your conversation
Type of Pet: Standerd winer dog
Distinguishing Features: a white mustash
Favorite Toy: Any thing that squeaks
Best Trick: Speaking
Favorite Food: Bolonga
Favorite Activity: cuddling
Worst Habit: Waking me up at 3 am just to go chase a squerl
Ashely(R.I.P 2008)
Type of Pet: Feline
Distinguishing Features: Beautiful calico coat
Favorite Toy: None
Best Trick: Lazing arournd
Favorite Food: Ninelives
Favorite Activity: Sleeping
Worst Habit: Biting