Hometown: Indiana

Email: lil_mama8891@yahoo.com

AIM: msloribug814, Yahoo messenger: lil_mama8891

Favorite Animals: Dogs

Animal I Most Look Like:

Favorite Famous Animal:

Animal I'd Most Like to Be for a Day:
Type of Pet: Poodle/chuichuia mixed

Distinguishing Features:

Favorite Toy:

Best Trick:

Favorite Food: anything

Favorite Activity:

Worst Habit:
Type of Pet: Pomeranian/fox terrier mixed

Distinguishing Features: He is a small dog who he thinks ina PitBull body

Favorite Toy: Ball

Best Trick: Throwing and fetching the ball by himself

Favorite Food: anything

Favorite Activity: playing with his ball

Worst Habit:
Type of Pet: Full Blooded Fox terrier

Distinguishing Features: his big body and his big head

Favorite Toy:

Best Trick: jumps in mid-air and I catch in my arms

Favorite Food: anything

Favorite Activity: Taking Walks

Worst Habit:
Type of Pet: Full Blooded Beagle

Distinguishing Features: Those beautiful Beagle eyes

Favorite Toy:

Best Trick:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Activity: Taking walks

Worst Habit:
Type of Pet: We think Rat terrier/chuchuia mixed

Distinguishing Features: His ears

Favorite Toy:

Best Trick:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Activity:

Worst Habit:
Type of Pet: Beagle/rat terrier/chuchuia mixed

Distinguishing Features: She looks like her mom but only as big as her dad

Favorite Toy: She is Annie and Radars pup

Best Trick:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Activity:

Worst Habit: Chewing up my shoes
Ms. Moo-Moo
Type of Pet: Beagle/rat terrier/chuchuia

Distinguishing Features: She only 6 months and weighs 22lbs & is a long & tall as mom

Favorite Toy: She is Annie and Radars pup

Best Trick:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Activity:

Worst Habit: