Hometown: Plymouth, IN
Favorite Animals: Cats!
Animal I Most Look Like:
Favorite Famous Animal: Bill the Cat, Hobbs
Animal I'd Most Like to Be for a Day:
Type of Pet: Grey Male Cat
Distinguishing Features: Diabetic
Favorite Toy: me!
Best Trick: stands up and begs
Favorite Food: everything!
Favorite Activity: naps
Worst Habit: begging
Type of Pet: Black female cat
Distinguishing Features: Very verbal
Favorite Toy: her whip
Best Trick:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Activity: racing
Worst Habit: playing too rough
Type of Pet: Male Smoke Persian
Distinguishing Features: sweet & clumsy
Favorite Toy: anything!
Best Trick: slides across floor
Favorite Food:
Favorite Activity: getting attention & playing
Worst Habit: demanding attention