Response to Rabbits

"Rabbits are very freindly animals. They are so cute and smart! They can learn any trick with practice. You can even compete in rabbit shows! There are rabbit shows (like dog shows) and rabbit jumping shows!!! Rabbits are becoming more and more popular in the world now! GET ONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I insist! You have to get one! The rabbit is so lovable and sweet, soft and kind, and they love their owner. But be careful, they may only be attached to one person, so give everyone in the family a chance to have fun with the rabbit so he/she gets used to eveyone. I hope this helps!!! "

I have a rabbit. She knows how to play dead!  -  by PinksGotGroove in 2010-03-17 21:16:21

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