Response to How can I stop my dog from ripping up her toys?

"My dog rips up her toys! How can I make her stop? She rips anything that is edible! ( Example: Teddy bears, Tennis balls, Toilet paper!)"

yeah give her hard toys thats too hard to ripp up or i seen on tv on harrys practice he put pepper on the things he didnt want ripped up it worked  -  by strawberrykissz in 2009-11-24 00:10:25

i have the same problem  -  by jakemc1 in 2009-10-24 18:52:21

Havee you ever heard of non-toxic furniture spray.
It works...
 -  by JochenB30 in 2009-10-23 01:50:39

All I can say is give her a old towel and let her shred that she may just like ripping things apart  -  by piper_spoon13 in 2009-10-11 21:27:14

get the hard rubber toys like bones,and bouncy balls.and if she starts chewing on a household item like toilet paper then just pull her away by the collar,give her a toy and if she cooperates then give her a treat!  -  by Turtlegirl81 in 2009-09-07 14:08:10

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