Response to How do you teach your dog to lie down?

"I have absolutely no idea."

sit down and bend your legs with feet on the floor and make you dog sit down on one side and loor him under your legs so he has to lay down to get under them, then you give him or her the treat.  -  by tippymikeyanddomino in 2009-09-19 21:58:54

well if she knows how to sit make her sit, then get a treat and hold it up to her nose and pull the treat down to the floor, when your dog lays down to get the treat give it to her, just keep doing that and it should work.  -  by winniethepoodle13 in 2009-08-12 11:05:36

you should have a treat than when ever he tries to lie down give him a treat  -  by lyle12 in 2009-08-01 20:00:41

Well what Ashbee said but insted of it just being your hand, you should hold a treat for a little influence.  -  by Turtlegirl81 in 2009-07-20 17:26:43

well first get her to sit and you should point to the floor to let her know what you want your dog to do.  -  by ashbee in 2009-07-03 20:50:39

well i wait for her to do it on her own so it takes patients  -  by poochie123 in 2009-06-30 08:54:01

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