Response to how do i get my dog from jumping on the couch!

"HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

if you see him on the couch, say bad dog and tell him to get off. if you see him or her about to jump on, tug at his/her collar before she jumps on. distract him or her.  -  by tippymikeyanddomino in 2009-09-19 22:00:20

if you spot him on the couch you have scold him/her it will take time till your dog will understand that he cant be on the couch,but if you cant scold him/her because you pitty the dog then i guess you cant teach him/her not to sit on the couch!!!
pleez reply how you ar getting along with the teaching!!!!  -  by mikuse98 in 2009-06-12 04:40:10

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